Freitag, 6. Dezember 2013

Etude house My Lash Serum - Review

Etude House "My Lash Serum"

The reason I bought it a while ago was because I have really short lashes; on the upper and under side. It's really depressing and actually already tried to accept it. But there are always these product with serum promising less fall out of lashes. My sister even bought the "M2Lashes" because of all the positive Responds from the product. But because I don't really want to spend over 120 Euro for something you cannot be sure of, I tried the Etude House My Lash Serum. I know it doesn't say antything from letting your lashes grow longer or fuller but as wanted to strengthen my few lashes, I bought it on ebay again. It was like less $ 4,75 or a bit over 4 Euro. 

The design is cute as expected from Etude House. (I'm this typical asian girl who likes cute pinkih stuff haha, so Etude house just my style) 

The inside has a light yellowish serum. You are not able to see the color on the applicator or on your lashes. It's clear. The applicator as you see is a normal one like from mascaras. For me I wished it would be a bit smaller as I have short lashes but I guess you can never be really satisfied, right? 
The smell kind of reminds me of glue. But it isn't strong, therefore not uncomfortable.

I applied it twice a day, in the morning and before I go to bed. I tried to use it like for a month regularly till a bought (on recommendation) another serum type. In that one month I feel that I had fewer lash loss, but that's only a feeling. It's unfortunately hard to rate something like this. But I didn't really expectanything because I kind of know that my lashes are a bit unique when it comes to something like that. I just wanted to try anything. Sometimes I have the feeling nothing works on them. Really really depressing..... Maybe you guys have more luck with the product.

Recommend it? 
Not really. I think to spend more money on lash serums is not wrong, like buying this "extraordinary" M2Lashes (Many collegues from me have used it and were really amazed how good it worked on them). I think it's definitely still a hard subject when it comes to something that promises natural longer curved lashes on Asians. It's hard to see differences becuase you have to keep on doing it for a while often to have some differences (if any) and often times you cannot see anything becuase you see yourself everyday in the mirror therefore seeing differences on yourself is impossible. Really hard...
I can say that the M2Lashes didn't have a great outcome on my sister, while our European collegues had suddenly like really long and really curved lashes (they had them already actually, but they still got more longer and curved). My sisters lashes only got a bit longer and she said she won't be buying it soon again. I guess there are big differences between Asians and Europeans when it comes to lashes hahaha. Too bad.......

Have you found something working for you? Still looking for mine....

Eyeliner - Holika Holika vs. TheFaceshop vs. p2

So today I'm going to compare 3 eyeliner. 2 gel eyeliner and one pen eyeliner.

The first one is Holika Holika's "Jewel-light Waterproof Eyeliner" I just bought it a month ago from ebay and it got in HIGH SPEED in my hands. I was so suprised, because I never got anything in less than a week from abroad.
As some of you might know Holika Holika is a korean brand same as TheFaceShop.

I like that it's a gel eyeliner as a pencil. Although I hoped they would use a bot more fancy design, like turning the back of the pencil so that the mine comes out. Not to sharpen it. If it has to be sharpened then maybe out a sharpener on the backside....But I guess it was too "cheap" for that? For the handling therefore, it definitely got some negative sides. The design is very classic and simple. There is also a lot in there so that you don't have to worry about it going empty. I actually never got a cosmetic really empty....! I don't know why...

Using it, I think the eyeliner is a bit too hard so that it's uncomfortable to use. I don't know how to describe it but when you try to draw the line, your skin kind of holds it back and the line will not be straight anymore, more a mess. It doesn't slide so easy as other eyeliners. That could be because it's still count as a pencil and my experiences with pencil are that they definitely don't slide as good as eyeliner pens while drawing.

Despite the uncomfortable use, the color is really really rich. So it's really black black. More black than my other p2 gel eyeliner (check out my first post).

FACE it extreme brush pen eyeliner

Here we have another korean brand eyeliner. TheFaceshop is famous for its natural ingredients. Honestly I don't have any knowledge about which ingredients are good or bad, natural or not, so I will not even try to write something about it. 

So as you see the brush is really nice. It's long and sharp, therefore you can draw really nice lines with it. The eyeliner ist convenient for people who only need one thin line on their eyelids. The results are very precise. I often use it to draw the end of the line (cat-eye). Unfortunately I always have to draw at least 0,4-0,5 mm thick lines on my eyelids or else it won't be seen. So the "FACE it eyeliner" won't help me very much because it draws really thin lines. 

The color ist calles Black Force. It's definitely black! It gives your eyes a big statement because it's precise and really dark. I think it's realy good if you want to have a fierce look on your eyes.

from bottom to top: Holika Holika "Jewel-light Gel Eyeliner", p2 "100% black gel eyeliner", 
TheFaceShop "FACE it pen eyeliner"

The eyeliner from Thefaceshhop dries really quick and is hard to smudge. My German p2 gel eyeliner smudges easily and Holika Holika Jewel-light eyeliner is good to smudge when you apply it but won't smudge easily after it dries off completely. (sry, for using "smudge" so often in one sentence...guess I need to improve my English again)

After trying hard to wash off the swatches (with only cold water) you can see that the Holika Holika fulfilled its promise of "waterproof". While the p2 product that also advertised with waterproof didn't really win the test. Thefaceshop "pen brush eyeliner" didn't mention anything about waterproof and therefore didn't stay really long under the water tab.

Would I recommend the products? 
It depends of what kind of an eyeliner you're looking for. For a mature, fierce and hard look, which lines are thin and very precise go for the "Face it eyeliner" from TheFaceShop. Although it's not my really my favorite because I'm more for the soft and natural look in eyes. But it does its job. Though not perfectly as it loses its color over the day so that it kind a looks greyish already.
Looking for a waterproof one that go with Holika Holika "Jewel-light eyeliner" although you need to sharpen it and the applying on the eyelid may be a bit hard as it doesn't slide so easy. 
For the p2 gel eyeliner as I already said inmy first post, it's the one I'm using at the moment (actually using the jewel-light and p2 eyeliner at the same time). It's easy to use but smudges a bit too much over the day and the brush is not really good to draw lines.

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

p2 100% black gel eyeliner waterproof - Review

Der Eyeliner steht so ziemlich im Mittelpunkt von einer Asiaten. Während viele Europäer ohne Mascara nicht aus dem Haus gehen, so ist es bei uns der Eyeliner. Manchmal übertreiben wir es aber auch (finde ich). 

Da das Wichtigste auch bei mir der Eyeliner ist, wird mein erster Eintrag über mein momentan bevorzugten Eyeliner gehen.

p2 100% black gel eyeliner waterproof

Ein super günstiger aus dem Drogerie-Markt dm. Ich habe schon von vielen Leuten gehört, dass sie p2, die Eigenmarke von dm, mögen und diese manchmal fast so gut sind wie andere teureren Marken. Auch ich bin bis jetzt super zufrieden. 
Früher hatte ich immer den auch von dm stammende Filzstift Eyeliner benutzt. Ich konnte damit super gut umgehen und er hatte noch okay gehalten. Jedoch bekam ich nach ca. einem Jahr plötzlich eine Allergie dagegen! Das hieß, meine Augenliedern waren am nächsten Tag sofort rot entzündet und die Haut schuppte richtig ab. Da meine Augen angeschwollen waren, hatte ich auch, bis sie wieder normal wurden, Mono-Eyelids. Das will keine Asiate wirklich freiwillig haben. Dazu muss ich sagen, dass ich auch nur an meinem rechten Auge Zeichen von Double-Eyelids habe. Das werdet ihr ja noch sehen, nichts Tolles worauf man stolz sein könnte; unterschiedliche Augen zu haben. 
Dieser Eyeliner ist zählt zu den Gel-Eyeliner. Er kommt in einem Tiegel, sodass es nicht so leicht austrocknet. Ich hatte diese Art Tiegeldesign zum ersten mal beim koreanischen Marke Tony Moly gesehen. Deshalb war ich so überrascht es auch hier in Deutschland zu sehen und war natürlich auch glücklich. Also habe ich es sofort gekauft für unter 4€. 

"Blackest black & waterproof"
Ich finde es jetzt nicht wirklich "super schwarz". Da hatte ich schon einige besser pigmentierte gehabt. 
Wasserfest ist es auch nicht nach meiner Meinung.


6M in einer Tube und ich sage euch, es hält lange! Ich benutze es schon seit mehr als 3 Monate.

Das Design finde ich super, weil man es gut transportieren kann. Der Pinsel könnte etwas länger sein, jedoch habe ich so oder so relativ kleine Hände, sodass es mich jetzt nicht weiter stört. Aber für die Durchschnitts-Hand schon etwas zu kurz. Außerdem bin ich nicht so zufrieden mit dem Pinsel. Es hatte sich nach einigen Wochen 1-2 Härchen gelöst, die ich abschneiden musste, da sie beim schminken ja störten. Auch wünschte ich es wäre eckig schräg, damit das malen leichter fallen würde.

So sieht es aus, wenn der Pinsel auf dem Deckel ist. Meistens aber benutze ich ohne die Sachen zusammen zus stecken. Mir ist es immer zu umständlich, weil ich es morgens leider immer eilig habe. Es trocknet dank des Tiegels nicht so schnell aus. Jedoch merke ich schon wie es langsam verklumpt. Doch da war der Gel Eyeliner von Manhatten (auch in einem Gläschen) schlimmer.

So sieht es aufgetragen aus. Pigmentierung ist schon gut, aber ich würde es nicht "blackest black" nennen. Auch bin ich wegen des wasserfesten nicht überzeugt, da ich es sehr leicht abwaschen konnte danach. Ohne Öl, Seife oder Gleichem. 

Das Ergebnis sieht so aus. Ich kann mit dem Pinsel nicht so präzise malen, weil er einfach zu dick und auch keine Kanten hat. Aber dafür gibt es einen schönen weichen Ausdruck, was mir meistens im Alltag lieber ist. Denn mit den Filzer-Eyeliner ist es mir manchmal schon zu präzise!

Ich würde das Produkt auf jeden Fall aber weiterempfehlen! Ich mag es, dass es nicht so einfach austrocknet. Aber trotzdem ist es für mich noch nicht der perfekte Eyeliner. 

Rating: 3 von 5 Möwen